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Investor Relations Services in Toronto

Toronto Investor Relations Firm

Looking for quality investors outside of the Toronto Area? Taylor Rafferty is the world’s leader in assisting Toronto-based companies grow their US share register.

The world’s most accomplished IR firm, specializing in achieving Canadian company’s US investor relations and capital markets communications goals. Our Toronto-based clients grow their investor base faster and more efficiently than their peers.

We work as an extension of our client's IR teams, and the outcomes we deliver to them include: 

  • New, quality institutional investors 

  • Less share price volatility and improved valuation versus peers

  • Avoiding market missteps by providing expert, unconflicted advice and market feedback

  • Measurably greater impact and return on management’s IR time investment

  • Compelling IR and Capital Markets Day presentations, combining decades of direct market interactions and recent advances in behavioral science ​


Our services include:

  • Capital Marketing Consulting: We advise and advance our client’s interests from an independent and unconflicted perspective, informed by daily direct interactions with the buy- and sell-side.


  • IR Program Execution:  We ensure best use of management time and minimize the chances of unprepared and unengaged investor-management meetings.


  • Research & Analysis: We craft perception studies and market reports focused on client priorities, for audiences ranging from independent board members, to C-suite, to IROs looking for insights missing from their day-to-day investor interactions.

Contact us today at +1 (212) 889-4350 to learn of our success helping Toronto-based companies attract quality investors.

Toronto is the capital city of the Province of Ontario, Canada. It has a highly diversified and successful economy, with some strengths residing in technology, financial services, design, education, arts, fashion, and tourism. Toronto is also a cultural hub, as it has been inhabited by humans for the past 10,000 years.

Toronto Resources:

Toronto Stock Exchange

Montréal Exchange

​​Canadian Investor Relations Institute

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